About Malin Bergholm
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Entries by Malin Bergholm
CEO Stefan Sandor presenterar Serstech på aktiedagen i Stockholm
11 September, 2019 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmTräffa Serstech på höstens IR-turné
2 September, 2019 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmTräffa Serstech på höstens IR-turné i Aktiespararnas regi Du som är investerare, analytiker eller journalist är välkommen att få veta mer och ställa frågor 10 september, Stockholm, CEO Stefan Sandor 17 september, Lund, CEO Stefan Sandor 18 september, Burlöv, CFO Joakim Nyström 23 september, Göteborg, CEO Stefan Sandor 30 oktober, Kristianstad, CEO Stefan Sandor (Aktiespararnas […]
“Lundabolaget drog hem order från strategiskt viktig kund” Article in Swedish from Sydsvenskan
28 June, 2019 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmArticle in Swedish from Sydsvenskan, Näringsliv, 27 juni 2019. Text: Mikaela Hedberg “Lundabolaget Serstech tog i veckan in en miljonorder från sin nederländska partner, ett resultat av bolagets nya marknadsstrategi. Kraftig tillväxt som har varit bolagets fokus det senaste året har börjat ta fart. Nu tar man sikte på läkemedelsbranschen. Stefan Sandor tillrädde som vd […]
Serstech is part of this year’s Sweden Technology Fast 50
31 October, 2018 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmWe are pleased to announce that Serstech is part of this year’s Sweden Technology Fast 50, a ranking of Sweden’s fastest growing technology company. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 is an objective industry ranking focused on technology companies that have achieved the fastest rates of revenue growth during the past four years. In 2017 Serstech ranked […]
Stefan Sandor, Serstech’s CEO, presents the company at an Investors meeting in Lund held by Aktiespararna. (In Swedish)
31 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmStefan Sandor, Serstech’s CEO, presents the company at an Investors meeting in Lund held by Aktiespararna. (In Swedish)
Serstech ranked 28th out of 500 companies in Europe
21 December, 2017 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmSerstech ranked 28th! Deloitte Global’s Technology Fast 500™ EMEA program is an objective industry ranking focused on the technology ecosystem. It recognizes technology companies that have achieved the fastest rates of revenue growth during the past four years.
Serstech top five in “Sweden Technology Fast 50”
15 November, 2017 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmYesterday, the leading companies in ”Sweden Technology Fast 50” were announced in Stockholm. Serstech is in the top five list of the fastest growing private and public technology companies in Sweden.
Borderpol Global Conference in Budapest
13 December, 2016 /0 Comments/in Serstech news /by Malin BergholmFörsta delleveransen till Sydostasien levereras
28 September, 2016 /0 Comments/in Investor information /by Malin Bergholm联系我们
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